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 KWC Hospital
 The KWC Hospital is a very tall building in Kids Community Town! The hospital was built by Ultra Red Doctor and the construction team. The hospital is the second tallest building in Kids Community Town.

Smiley C. Officer's House
 Smiley C. Officer lives in an orange wooden house with a brown roof. Smiley C. Officer built the house himself! The house sits in the Northern Kidz World Community Forests (east Kids Community Town).

KWC Bank
 The KWC bank was built by Smiley Bank Guy and the construction team. On the top of the bank there is a Kidz World Community K sign which is the currency of most places in Kidz World Community. There is an electric fence protecting the outside bank vault.

The Clock Tower
The Kidz World Community Clock Tower was built so that people would know what time it is when they are walking around Kids Community Town. The Kidz World Community Clock Tower was built by Ultra Blue Mechanic and the Construction team.

The Blue House
The Blue House was built by Ultra Blue Mechanic on the western side of Kids Community Town. The Blue House has a wind turbine built onto it so Ultra Blue Mechanic can get his power. He built the house large so he can keep most of his inventions in there.

The Yo-Apartment was built by Ultra Red Smile. Ultra Red Smile sells rooms to people who want to live there. Ultra Red Smile lives on the top floor of the building. The Yo-Apartment can have up to 20 families living there.

The Big Camera
The Big Camera was built by Smiley Photographer. There are many different rooms including the kitchen, living room, washroom, bedroom, flash room (a very bright room with a collection of cameras) and a camera room. The camera room has a very large camera lens that can take massive pictures! Smiley Photographer lives in that house.

KWC Help Center
If you need help on finding a place, the KWC Help Center is the place to go to. The KWC Help Center is located in the middle of Kidz World Community Town. Helper Clown built the KWC Help center. She lives on the top floor and helps people on the bottom floor.

KWC Police Station
The KWC Police Station was built by Smiley Blue Cop and Agent Blue Smile. They work inside the KWC Police Station to locate and track down criminals. Inside the KWC Police Station there is a secret passage to a underground cave right underneath the police station where Smiley Blue Cop and Agent Blue Smile live in.

Art Museum 
The Art Museum was built by Art Clown. Inside the Art Museum there are many different pictures of art. Every 2 weeks Art Clown changes the banner hanging on the side of the Art Museum. Art Clown lives on the very top floor where the roof is located.

Smiley Clown's House
Smiley Clown lives in a yellow house with a red roof and chimney. Smiley Clown lives on the bottom floor of the house. On the top floor there is a newspaper printing room where Smiley Clown writes his news stories and later mails them all over Kidz World Community.