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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

SWC Galaxy Mail Ship

The SWC Galaxy Mail Ship is a high speed spaceship that transports mail around the Space World Community Galaxy! Everyday over 2500 envelops get sent to far away planets and moons by the SWC Galaxy Mail Ship. There is about 250 SWC Galaxy Mail Ships flying everyday.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

KWC Mobile Police Truck

The KWC Mobile Police Truck is used for long police chases. The truck is designed to hold up to 10 police officers and up to 5 criminals. The KWC Mobile Police Truck has police arrows hidden at the bottom of the truck and a police arrow launcher at the front of the car which can shoot the enemy's tires so the enemy's car slows down.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Smiley Police Car

The Smiley Police Car is driven by Smiley Blue Cop and Agent Blue Smile. The Smiley Police Car is used for high speed police chases in Kidz World Community. It has a wing at the back of the car and can hold up to 5 people inside. The Smiley Police Car also has police arrows hidden at the bottom of the car and a police arrow launcher at the front of the car which can shoot the enemy's tires so the enemy's car slows down.

KWC Police Jet

The KWC Police jet is piloted by Ultra Air Cop. The KWC Police Jet can fly over 1000 kilometers per hour (621 miles per hour)! It has a hover craft function so it can stand still in the air without dropping out of the sky. It has a massive light at the bottom of the jet and it even has hidden drop nets that can be dropped onto the enemy if needed!

Friday, March 9, 2012

Cobalt Express

The Cobalt Express is used in the Space World Community story. It has 2 small thrusters at the front, 2 small thrusters at the middle, 2 small thrusters at the back and 1 large thruster. The small thrusters are used for liftoff and the large thrusters are used for speeding up. The Cobalt Express also has wings on the side and a fin on the top. This vehicle is used by a special new character coming to Space World Community!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

KWC Spacesuit

Here is a drawing of the spacesuit used for the Space World Community missions:

Thursday, February 9, 2012

KWC Ultra Jet 212

The KWC Ultra Jet 212 is a super fast plane made by Ultra Blue Mechanic. He uses the KWC Ultra Jet 212 to get to places super fast. The KWC Ultra Jet 212 has 10 thrusters at the bottom which helps the plane rise up to the right altitude and to keep still in the air. It has 2 engines on the wings which help the plane move. The KWC Ultra Jet 212 can hold up to 16 passengers.